
Welcome to the official website of the Sacramento Area Mustang Club. We are a friendly group of Mustang enthusiasts who enjoy doing things with our cars and our friends. Membership in the club is not limited to Mustang owners, just people who like ‘stangs. Please join us at a meeting or event to learn more. Everyone is welcome.
Visit us on Facebook here.
Club Credo
More important than the Mustangs is the positive influence we will have on our community.
We want to promote and maintain our Mustang Community so we can help and support our fellow members.
There shall be no idle complaints about fellow members, but we strive to enhance the camaraderie within our group.
It doesn’t matter if we have a 64 ½ or a modified late-model Mustang. Whether your car is concourse quality or marred with rock chips doesn’t matter.
What matters is that we are all pointed in the same direction: advancing our Mustang driving tradition and thriving as a club.

Sacramento Area Mustang Club Supports its community!
We support the following organizations and donate proceeds from our fundraising activities in order to support our community.